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A member registered Feb 04, 2021

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you should add more stuff into the game like walls, and multiplayer mode it would be more fun.

it's a super fun game i would definitely recommend 

and please continue to update this fun game

hello, i just wanted to say i loved your game so much that i even told friends to play it.

i just wish there was more to it, but its still really fun

(1 edit)

ok, now i have beaten the boss and tooken the entire map with me (and yes, i restarted and did it again)

also you can't dig up the boss area (sadly)

Ha Ha, LOL  On the end screen, it said the "monster still lived" and i thought that it meant i was the monster because i used the gem shovel to dig up the entire island (including the cave), but i just wanted to get off the island so i did not go down the next ladder going down (which i later figured out that that was the boss area) and went away with a whole island in my bag